Sunday, August 21, 2005


It is official. I am now an entertainment writer for the Reflector. On Tuesday I'll have a review for The 40-Year-Old Virgin as well as maybe an article about the upcoming Sister Hazel concert. I'm still pretty darn excited at the prospect of being paid to watch movies.

Classes went well today, save for the fact that I was enrolled in the wrong piano class. Apparently Functional Skills Piano is for people who already know how to play a great deal. The class that was suggested to me is full so it looks like yet another semester will go by without me gaining sweet ivory-tickling skills...

Gulfport is all abuzz with the exploits of my grandfather. It seems that even in retirement, he can still manage to cause a stir. He's been to several hospitals for medical and mental treatment recently. The problem is, he doesn't particularly like to be under supervised care. This has prompted the involvement of several other doctors, lawyers, and police officers. Heck, even the parents of two of my old elementary school friends are involved now, anyone else interested better sign up soon 'cause it looks like tickets are going fast.


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