Thursday, August 04, 2005

Keyless Entry

I turned in my Apartment 4 keys today, as well as the "master key" that Tabor was letting us borrow. Yep, for the past few days I had been entrusted with a key to every apartment at Glen Hollow. Chuck & I considered going "shopping" but in the end did not give in to temptation. There were plenty of other criminals lurking about the premises anyway. I had to chase away a guy the other night who was staring through the window of Apartment 4. He claimed to be considering renting a Glen Hollow apartment. Yeah, that's why he's creeping around at 11:30 at night.

Also, the "cleaners" have been cleaning out anything that gets left outside for more than 10 minutes. It made moving very interesting to have to stick my head out the door often enough to make sure the cleaners aren't making away with anything. Well, there is one thing that the cleanters didn't want. Trash! For all the furniture & clothing that they seemed to be interested in, they still haven't finished cleaning out the two apartments that we're moving into.

And, sadly, there were two casualties of the move. The first happened yesterday. My bed, which I inherited from my pops, which he had for about 12 years I think, fell apart upon having the mattresses removed from it. I'm going to go looking for a new one sometime next week, until then it's the couch for me. The second casualty happened this morning. Chuck & I went for one last sweep of the apartment to pick up trash & see if we forgot anything. Well, it turns out that we had. The grill. But it was too late, someone had made off with it already. I called Tabor about it & they apologized and said that they'd try to track it down. They said that usually the people are good about bringing things back if they are asked to. But obviously all anyone has to do is say that they don't have it. So we shall see.

I'm heading off to Huntsville tomorrow! There I will get to see Caitlin & watch Will perform in "Grease!" This will certainly be alot of fun. After that, I'm heading to the Coast. While there I'm going to work on bringing up a computer... maybe even a dog. Who knows. The point is, there may not be alot of posting for awhile but I am still committed to the blogosphere.


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